ukp_neighbourhood retuns the list of neighbourhoods for a force,

ukp_neighbourhood(neighbourhood, ...)



a text string of a neighbourhood in the UK


further arguments passed to or from other methods. For example, verbose option can be added with ukp_api("call", config = httr::verbose()). See more in ?httr::GET documentation ( and (


tibble with columns id and name. id is a Police force specific team identifier, note that this identifier is not unique and may also be used by a different force. Name is the name for the neighbourhood


library(ukpolice) ukp_neighbourhood("leicestershire")
#> No encoding supplied: defaulting to UTF-8.
#> # A tibble: 67 x 2 #> id name #> <chr> <chr> #> 1 NC04 City Centre #> 2 NC66 Cultural Quarter #> 3 NC67 Riverside #> 4 NC68 Clarendon Park #> 5 NE09 Belgrave South #> 6 NE10 Belgrave North #> 7 NE11 Rushey Mead #> 8 NE12 Humberstone #> 9 NE13 Northfields, Tailby and Morton #> 10 NE14 Thurncourt #> # ... with 57 more rows